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Experience unique soapstone cookwares

20 Nov, 2023

“The Soup” tradition never existed in the genes of the family. For generations Rasam (Spiced Lentil Tamarind Stock) was the only one that matched closely to the so called “Soup” array. Born into a vegetarian family that never made use of eggs, garlic or onions, preparing any kind of soup was a little unusual of its kind. Growing up I always thought drinking Soup was the luxury brand of people who drove around in cars and ate in expensive restaurants, until one day my sister cracked that belief in me. In the mid 90’s during my teen days she did attempt her culinary skills in making tomato soup. My mom was unique in her ways and stood apart from the rest of her family members. She imbibed in her my grandfather’s exceptional thinking and no worry attitude. Unlike mothers who were contented with their daughters getting some basic education till high school and later depart them with early marriage my mother was diverse. She was the 1st lady in her village that sent her daughter some 3000 km away, beyond the state borders to an unknown territory whose culture and language in every bit was different from ours. Guess she got the opportunity to savor the so called “Tomato Soup” in her boarding house at some stage during the cold winters. This is what I recollect from the past perhaps.
On one occasion when she came home for summer, she asked shall I make soup today. I said oh yes!!! She recited the ingredients list like a William Wordsworth poem. After some 2 hrs. she served them in soup bowls. It had some cloves, some pepper but on the whole, we enjoyed it. Mind you the soup tradition still doesn’t exist in any of our families. Neither at my parents’ nor in my in-law’s house.
Off late in addition to our various wellness practices, soup is one of them. One of the best ways to ingest lot of vegetables in one gulp is “Soup”. Why due to its low heat cooking, your body can absorb more nutrients which I call as the most efficient form. So here is one recipe we make often, It is so good I had to share it with you. Just throw everything in our soapstone cookware pot, simmer, blend, and devour. This vegetable soup makes a fantastic quick easy meal served with a
gluten free bread.
Base Ingredients
2 cups vegetable broth (I used my own homemade broth)
1/2 cup broccoli
1/2 cup green beans (about 3 to 4 green beans)
1/2 cup roughly chopped zucchini (about 1/2 zucchini)
½ cup kabocha squash roughly chopped (about 1/2 squash)
1 cup chopped brown onion (about 1 medium onion)
¼ cup chopped celery (1 rib)
¼ cup raw almonds or any nut of your choice
Freshly chopped garlic (about 2-3 cloves)
2 Tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil or grapeseed oil
½ tsp Himalayan salt
1.Heat our Soapstone cookware 4.0 Liters pot over low heat for 5 mins, drizzle few drops of oil until warm and sauté the onions and garlic with 1/4 teaspoon of the salt for about 5 minutes until the onions are soft and translucent.
2.Next add in the celery, zucchini, and cauliflower and sauté for until softened. Then add the green beans, broccoli, and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes further until the beans are al dente but still vibrant green.
3.Next add the vegetable broth and bring to boil. Switch of the stove, stir in the almonds and allow them to soak in the soup for about 10 minutes while the soup cools a bit.
4.Transfer the soup to your blender in batches and blend until smooth and creamy. Season with salt and pepper to taste and squeeze in the lemon juice.
5.To serve, ladle the soup into bowls, and serve with a piece of crusty bread.
Give this vegetable soup a go and let me know what you think.


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